Happy Halloween
I can't decide whether to enter the NaNoWriMo competition. You have to complete 50,000 words of a novel between 1st Nov and 30th Nov. On the down side, that's 2,000 words a day, which is hard work. On the up side, I can't see myself ever starting my novel again without a kick like this. And of course, if I don't actually make 50,000 words in 30 days, I dont lose anything. It starts tomorrow, so I have only a few hours to decide.
I'm childish and it's halloween, so I guess you may be expecting the foillowing picture:

This paragraph has spoilers about the movie Flightplan. I watched Flightplan yestreday and it's supid. I mean it's really stupid. I thought it was going to be a bit lame when I read that it was about a woman who loses her daughter on a flight. I mean, how can that happen? The plot just doesn't work.
Here's what happens: Jodie Foster is flying to America with her daughter. Her dead husband's body is in the hold. She wakes up and her daughter is gone. The crew have no record of the child and are unwilling to help her. She looks like she's mad. It turns out that her husband was killed and explosives were put in his coffin the air marshall and one of the flight crew. How they engineered the coffin to be on their flight or even how they knew the coffin would be flown to America is not made clear. The air marshall tells the captain that Foster is a mad hijacker and is going to blow up the plane. The plane lands early and Foster saves the day by pretending to be a real hijakcer and not letting the air marshall off the plane. She then slugs him with a fire exstinguisher, finds her daughter and everyone lives happily ever after. Honestly, don't waste your money, this is tripe. I give it 3/10. what were Jodie Foster and Sean Bean thinking?
David Blunkett is in trouble again, good! He shouldn't even have a cabinet post anyway, since his apalling behaviour as Home Secretary.
I want to talk about the Blackberry "Women in Technology" awards, which apparently named Jackie Edwards as "Best woman in technology" last week. Edwards lectures and uses the Sony AIBO robot to encourage women to enter technology. In other words she's using someone else's reaearch project (probably an exclusively male team), which has never made any money, to try and get women interested in technology. Well there's someone with a finger on the pulse. Honestly, it's not exactly ground breaking is it? And why do people insist that we need more women in technology? If women don't want to do it, why are you pushing them? I've worked in technology for years. It's a nasty cut-throat, largely underpaid industry that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Am I being sexist here? I don't maind women in technology if they want to do it, but hey don't seem to and I don't see why it's so awful. Here's the report.
This must be a record for me, 9.30 and I have an entry finished. This is so I can plan a novel and start writing tomorrow.