Saturday, April 10, 2010


I'm in agony. Actually, that is something of an exaggeration. I was in agony this morning due to backache. I have now taken enough painkillers to knock out a donkey, and I feel much better. I've had the backache for a few days now. I have no idea what caused it. It appears to be mostly in my shoulder. Anyway, I'm going to get it checked out on Monday because I'm running out of painkillers, and I can't sleep. I've been using prescription painkillers left over from my knee surgery. When they run out I'm going to try and score some heroine.

On Tuesday of next week we've been asked to dress smartly for work because we have important clients visiting. I'm oddly excited by this. We were originally told it would be Monday and I was quite sad about it because it clashed with my doctor's appointment. I know I sound odd, but I really miss the days when we used to have to put on a tie to go to work. I used to like bow ties. We've not been asked to wear a tie next week, but I think I might anyway.

Yesterday the boy and the dragon were making jam tarts. I had to eat a marmite one when I got home, and I had to make it look like I enjoyed it. It's not as awful as it sounds actually.

Malcolm McLaren has died apparently. Brilliant man, bit of a bastard. I had no idea he was married to Vivienne Westwood. Now she is cool. I'd also completely forgotten about bow wow wow.

The Duchess of Cornwall has broken her leg. I wonder if she'll have to be shot.

There is a story on the BBC news about the Taiwanese Susan Boyle. Apparently they have a talent show there that has uncovered a 24-year-old male soprano singer. I thought it sounded a bit weird when I read "male sprano", but just have a look at the video. The guy is creepy as hell. He's clearly made a pact with the devil and stolen some woman's voice.


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