Knee pads, that's all I'm saying
I laid an entire laminate floor in the new bedroom this weekend. I haven't replaced skirting boards, plugged the expansion gap with cork, or refitted the door, and I think I want to recut the piece round the door frame. I do however feel an incredible sense of achievment. And if there is one piece of advice I could give you about laying laminate floors by the way, it would be this, knee pads my friends. I thought about buying kneepads on Saturday when I started work, but they were £8.99, and I thought that was ridiculous for a piece of polystyrene. By Saturday evening I was nearly crippled and I wished I hadn't been so tight. I bought them on Sunday morning anyway.
Yesterday was mothers' day and I bought a card for the little chap to give his mother. He liked it because, when opened a bear inside (might be a dog, not sure) opened his arms like a pop-up book. Anyway, I helped him write his name in it and a little message to mummy. Then we put it on his bookshelf and I told him he could give it to mummy in the morning. That was when I put him to bed. I went to check on him when I went to bed myself and and found the card on his pillow. He must have got out of bed and got it. I put it back on the bookshelf. At about 7am he was up and trying to give the card to mummy. Mummy wasn't really awake enough to understand what was going on. I asked him what the card was doing in his bed and he told me he wanted to make sure it was safe. We went and made some pancakes for mummy for breakfast together.
Today my new bicycle has been delivered. I won it in a raffle at Raffle-It. It's a ladies' bike, so the dragon can have it. It's a Lamborghini apparently. I wonder if it's in pieces.
This month Elton John said something particularly stupid (even for him) in an interview with Parade Magazine. Sir Elton is alleged to have said that Jesus was a “compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems.” I've read several reports about this and I can't find exactly how he's reached this conclusion. I quite want to read the actual article in Parade (whatever that is) but I don't think I could bring myself to pay for it.
Stay with me, there is a point to me telling you this. We're all used to Elton John talking bollocks of course, and most of us don't even notice it anymore. Neal Horsley (Christian lunatic) on the other hand did notice and took offense. Not only that, he took it upon himself to make a video of himself standing outside Elton's Atlanta apartment building with a large placard upon which was printed in large letters, "Elton John Must Die". This resulted in Horsley being arrested, and Elton increasing security. Read the Rolling Stone report here.
Interesting choice of words from Horsley isn't it. What did he mean by, "Elton John Must Die". Does he mean he must be killed, or simply that one day his life must come to an end like everyone else's? If he's suggesting that Elton John should be killed, one wonders how he manges to justify it alongside the ten comandments. Horsley is a known nutter and has flirted with terrorism in the past apparently. His Wiki page makes interesting reading.
Bicycle Update - it was here when I got home from work and it was in pieces, but I've assembled it and it's petty fabby actually.
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