So, the polls are closing. One poll put the Tories only 2 points ahead of Labour with less than 4 months to go before an election. The Sun however puts them 7 points ahead again today. The Sun likes to think it influences public opinion. In fact it's simply a very good barometer of proletariat opinion. I'm still predicting a landslide for the Tories, but it will be a vote against Brown, not a vote for Cameron.
There seems to be a lot of fuss about Tory peer Lord Ashcroft currently. It seems he's finally admitted that he is non-domicile for tax purposes. In other words, he has business interests outside the country that don't incurr tax in this country, even though he lives here. If one was to be cynical, one could argue that his foreign business interests are only foreign because it's cheaper to keep them foreign. On the other hand, I've lived abroad wil earning an income in this country and I didn't pay tax on it in the country where I was living. Who in their right mind would? I can't deny that this hasn't been handled very well. It would have been far better to come clean months agao when it first started causing an issue. However, I don't care that the guy is paying tax abroad instead of here and I can't believe the average voter will either.
OK, there is a story all over the news about Devon today. My mother lives in Devon and nothing much happens there, so any news about it in the national press is an event. Seriously, they still point at aeroplanes. However, not only does Devon feature in the national news today, it features because they found a sex dungeon there. I'll spare you the details, just click the link. Apparently two people have been arrested I want to know what the charges are. Surely it's not illegal to have Nazi uniforms, handcuffs, whips etc. Maybe it is in Devon. Anyway, my boss says these things go on in Germany, he's German, and he doesn't understand why I'm surprised it happens in Devon. He's obviously never been there.
Our new bedroom in the sky is now just about finished. The dragon has been painting it and I'm about to lay a laminate floor. I'm really quite looking forward to it. I've never laid a floor before. I can't really start until the painting is done however. The aim is to get the boy installed in his new room before his birthday. That would be 21st March, so we have over two weeks to get it done. Isn't it exciting.
In other news, Michael Foot has sied aged 96. If you don't know who I'm talking about, you're either too young or not British. He was a politician, most famous in the mid eighties. Mad as a shit house rat, dressed like a tramp, card carrying pinko commie subversive, but for all that, in an odd way, sort of cool.
And Jon Venables has been taken back into custody. Venables made history in 1993 whgen he was found guilty of murder aged just 10. No one knew quite what to do with him, or his partner Robert Thompson who was also convicted of murder and was also 10. They put them both in a young offenders' institution, but when they reached 18 European law forced the British authorities to release them. They were given new identities, banned from returning to the city of their crime, and banned from contacting each other. Venables has however manged to breach teh terms of his release and hasbeen returned to an adult prison. No one knows what he's done, where he is, or even what his name is now. There are no recent pictures of him, and the authorities claim they are unable to provide further information. The public want to know however. How long do you reckon it will be before the leak comes?
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