Completely Disorganised
The Pope has launched an extraordinary attack on British equality legislation. According to the BBC report he has urged Catholic bishops in England and Wales to fight the UK's Equality Bill with "missionary zeal". Gordon Brown has suggested that it would be "inappropriate to comment" on the issue. That's odd isn't it? I'd have thought the British PM would be expected to make a comment when his own legislation was attacked. On the other hand, I'd have said it would be inappropriate for the Pope to abuse his unelected position by attempting to influence British policy.
In simple terms, I think his Holiness should keep his beak out of British politics until such time as he becomes an elected member of Parliament.
I have a lot of trouble even looking at the Pope anyway because he looks exactly like Uncle Fester from the Adams Family. Or is it just me?
The Pope:

Uncle Fester:

Anyway, more mundane things; I fly out to Taiwan on Friday. I am completely not ready. I don't have anything packed. I don't even have my air ticket yet. I must call my chappie at Flightlinker. I have booked a place in the carpark, but I think it's a different one to the usual and I don't know wher eit is.
The new bedroom in the sky is almost finished. It's got stairs and everything. I'm top pleased with it, so I am. I don't know if the builder will be done by the time I'm gone, but I hope he'll be finished by the time I'm back.
The bloody gas man came to fix the bleeding central heating clock on Friday, took one look at it, sucked air through his teeth, and said, "I don't think I've got one on me van guv". They know what sort of boiler it is, and they knew the clock needed replacing. Odd that they sent someone round without the right part! Anyway, I have to work at home again on Thursday to let him in. Actually it works out quite well because I can pick up some Taiwan currency and my air ticket on the same day. British Gas are still a disorganised bunch of tossers however.
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