Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm crap

It's the last week before Christmas week. Have a I sent my Christmas cards? No! I haven't even written my Christmas cards, including those that have to go abroad. I think that's only one this year in fact, unless you count Taiwan cards, which the Dragon has taken care of. So, if you happen to live in Canada and are expecting a card from me, it's not that I don't love you, I'm just crap. And I just realised that I have friend iN NZ I need to send a card to aswell. I am so crap.

It's going to snow this weekend apparently - oh goody. That means that the entire public transport network will become unusable for several days. We were planning a trip to friends on Sunday by train. Talking of the British transport network, I see that BA is threatening strike action, baggage handlers and check-in staff are planning to walk out at Heathrow and Aberdeen, Flyglobalspan has collapsed stranding thousands, and Eurostar is threatening a strike over the exchange rate affecting meal rates. Might be a good idea to stay home for Christmas.

On the plus side, the buses are still running, though one of those turned over and injured several people in Battersea yesterday I noticed.

There was a big argument here last week about why -1 x -1 = 1. Apparently this is a question one of my colleagues, who is a part time academic at Oxford, was considering asking his potential undergraduates. When he brought the subject up in the office there was a clash of academic egos and it almost turned into a proper riot. It's not enough to say "two negatives always make a positive" by the way, you have to prove it algebraically.

When that riot settled it moved on to how to prove e to the power of pi was greater than pi to the power of e, or something., I went for a wee wee anyway.

I have next week off. I don't come back to work until 4 Jan, Hooray. I'm taking my laptop home with me though. Not to do any work of course. I may update here if I get bored enough.

Did you see Prime Minister Berusconi get smashed in the face with a model of the Duomo? Why couldn't that have been Tony Blair? Tony seems to be frantically back peddling over his reasons for going into Iraq. He's currently about as popular as a dose of clap. It would have been so awful if he'd managed to land the Euro President job wouldn't it?

It's late, I'm tired, going to bed. I like this video.


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