Everything in my life is breaking down. The car works now, but it cost a fortune to repair. It needed a new mass air meter apparently. The dragon's camera has an intermittant fault and her Mandarine-English translator has died. The home PC has had to be rebuilt but still seems to have a hardware problem which makes it slightly unpredictable. It's working at the moment. The central heating clock isn't working, but I think that may be covered by our central heating insurance. Then there is my knee of course. That's mended, but the saga went on for several months. On the plus side, I did manage to get the little laptop with the Chinese operating system working on our wireless network at last. Anyway, that's mostly why I haven't written here for days.
We've been investigation schools for the boy. He's only three, but he has to start school next year in September. We've seen two schools in the area and have a meeting with the headmaster of a third school on Wednesday. Technically he's in the catchment area for all three schools, but one of them is a faith school, so the selction process is different. This will sound odd coming from me, but I quite want him to go to the faith school. It's not that I want him to grow up faithful, I want him to make an informed decision about his faith. If he turns to Christianity, that's fine, likewise if he decides to walk the path of the Budhist or the atheist. What I don't want is for him to become faithless just because his father is a heathen. Call me a hypocrit, but that's how I feel at the moment.
This week the BNP is scheduled to appear on the Question Time panel. That won't mean much to you unless you're British. Th eBNP are the British National Party. They make their name by going to areas of racial tension, stirring up trouble with provocative speeches, and then blaming the ensuing riots on racial minorities. They currently only allow white people to join their party and are against inter-racial marriages. The whites only membership policy has been judged illegal and is currently being debated by teh party. It has been suggested that since the legal case is hanging over them, they shouldn't be allowed on the Question Time panel. I'm all for letting them loose on the air myself. They have such extreme views and they are always so agressive when they do get a soap box upon which to stand, that they end up shooting themselves in the foot anyway. I'll be watching.
Are you watching Flash Forward? I'm getting quite into it. Charlie from Lost just turned up.
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