The Scar!
I'm writing this at lunchtime, but my intention is to take a picture of my knee tonight after I shower. I mention this as an incentive to include said picture in this post, when I finally get around to posting it.

See, told you I would. There it is. Five stitches, count 'em, five!
Friday came round quickly this week. I suppose that's because Monday was a bank holiday and I worked from home on Wednesday. Days go by faster when I don't have to go to the office. So, tomorrow is the weekend and we have nothing planned. This is good. It means we can have fun.
Quite often on Saturday lunchtime we go to the local Chinese restaurant. You can eat as much as you like for just £6.50 each. The boy gets in for half price. I really like the place. It's called Cosmo, but I read yesterday that the council has slapped a compliance order on their arse. It seems they kept prices low by saving money on cleaning products. This upsets me greatly. There are no details. I'm hoping I haven't been eating fly shit and cockroaches for the last six months.
OK, interesting news stories today:
In a telegraph, a schoolgirl has claimed she chose to lose her virginity in the school lavatories because she was convinced the world was going to end when the Large Hadron Collider was switched on. Does that sound suspicious to anyone else? I think the fact that someone seems to have videoed it and then distributed it is probably significant.
According to the BBC website, two Bangladeshi newspapers were taken in by a spoof story from the Onion which claimed that Neil Armstrong's moon landing was faked. Why were both papers from Bangladesh?
And my personal favourite today, The Sun claims that Lady Gaga could be a hermaphrodite because she appeared to have a penis when she got off a motorbike on stage at the Glastonbury festival.
And a final thought; think of the hundreds of thousands of teenage boys who have been consumed with lust for Lady Gaga and turned to self-manipulation beneath the bed sheets each night with her in mind. If she has been concealing a secret weapon under those PVC dresses, are we going to see a spike in the suicide rate
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