Friday, August 07, 2009

Great Balls of Fire

Well Ronnie Biggs has been released on compassionate grounds. Apparently he is going home to die. He may have reformed over the years. It's certainly true to say that he isn't a threat to anyone any more. But in the end, he was convicted and sentenced, and he didn't serve his time. He got away with it. He had a good life. What message does that send out to the scum bag element? Seems to me that in this case, crime did pay. I think he should have died in jail really. Does that sound heartless? I feel sorry for his son. He appears to be a decent chap

I was intrigued by this story in the Telegraph about a young Greek woman who set fire fire to a young man's genitals because he was sexually harassing her. Apparently he had dropped his trousers and was groping her. So she poured sambuka over his love spuds and set fire to it with a lighter. Apparently the gentleman suffered second degree burns and is now being treated in a clinic. His travel insurance apparently covers second degree burns to the genitals, which is fortunate.

The thing I like about most about this story is the fact that the young lady has managed to ridicule this clown and maintain her dignity. She handed herself into the police. It would be unfair to assume that the guy is guilty I suppose. He is entitled to a fair trial like anyone else. However, this woman appears to be confident. This all happened in a crowded bar, so if it goes to court, there will be witnesses. If he did get his knob out and wave it around at someone who didn't want it, the truth will out. You also have to admire the quick thinking and indeed physical dexterity of this woman. She had the presence of mind to pour a flammable liquid on his balls, and managed to find a lighter and ignite it. Can't have been easy.

How do you put out flaming bollocks? You can't ask someone to stamp on them. The guy was from Swindon by the way. That explains a lot.

I bet you're all wondering about my swollen knee. Well it's still swollen. I'm going to see the specialist on Monday. I was thinking it might have gone down a bit yesterday. The dragon reckons it's just because I worked from home and I didn't have to walk much. It seems big again today. My worst fear is that I have nothing to show the knee specialist when the time comes. I will have to use it a bit at the weekend. The Bristol balloon fiesta is on.

I've beem to the Bristol Balloon Fiesta several times and I have never seen any balloons take off. It's always too windy or dark, or wet, or something else. I'm resistant to going again this year but we have yet more visitors. It could be a good day.

Oh, another thing, seem to have lost my voice. Well I half lost it on Wednesday, I sounded like Barry White yesterday. Today it's more sort of John Lee Hooker/Howling Wolf.


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