73 Years
There has not been a British men's champion at Wimbledon since 1936, when Feed Perry won. So that would be 73 years by my reckoning. I therefore find it astounding that Andy Murray, Britain's best chance of a win in decades, is so universally loathed. Shouldn't we all be cheering him on and holding street parties and stuff? After the "late night, five-set thriller" yesterday, George at the office was heard to remark, "I was thinking last night while I was watching him, the only problem with him loosing now is that I won't have the pleasure of seeing him lose again". And George claims to love everyone. It's not true, he's pretty anti-social actually, though I get on alright with him. Anyway, point is, Murray must have worked pretty damned hard to have turned a nation of frustrated tennis lovers against him.
I slightly want to go to Cadbury World. I have inside information that suggests one should go on a weekday because then they hand out passes to the staff shop, which has huge discounts on broken chocolate bars and products close to 'eat by' date.
The government is preparing to ditch the id cared scheme.
Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Dayy-eee-ay
The new Home Secretary is clearly in favour of just scrapping it, but can't do it without it looking like a huge climbdown. He has announced that it won't be compulsory for anyone now apart from foreign nationals. The scheme is now doomed anyway because there is almost no chance that the government will win the next election and all other parties are committed to scrapping it. The scheme relies on high street stores installing scanners and other equipment to implement the scheme, and no one is going to go to that expense knowing that the next government will throw it out. It means that several billion pounds has been spent on a scheme that is never going to be launched and which no one wanted in the first place.
Pictures I promised yesterday:
New shoes, very comfortable, but be honest, are they a bit ginger beer?

New glasses, I look like Brad Pitt, right?

And the strange thing I got free with my glasses. What's that all about?

Seriously, if anyone can tell me, I really want to know.
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