Thursday, June 11, 2009

Slugs are Disgusting

I think facebook is crap, but I've come to the conclusion that one needs an account just to keep up with everyone else. So, I've reactivated myself after months of dormancy. So, here I am, if you're interested. There are no dirty pictures. I read that it's not allowed.

I just hired a car for next week. I got a big-arse Peugeot estate with 7 seats. My sister in law is coming to visit with her new man and the old Subaru is making odd noises. I think a wheel bearing is going. It's not really big enough for 4 adults and the boy, and I don't want to kill anyone on the motorway anyway, so a big-arse Peugeot seemed like a good idea. £178 for 5 days.

Have you seen the new pictures of Phil Spector without the wig? Nasty, right out of the Rocky Horror Show. I reckon he took it off in front of Lana Clarkeson, she laughed at him and it was goodnight Vienna.

I also liked this story about a man who found a dead mouse in his malt loaf. I feel there must be pun there, but I can't think of it.

We have a slug problem. I say "have", I'm hoping it's all in the past. Little bastard comes out at night and leaves his disgusting slimy trail all round our dining room. Weeks this has been going on. Every morning I come downstairs and there's a new trail. Every morning I follow the trail and never find the bugger. But a plan came to me. I figure I'll wait until the boy wakes me up in the night and after I've sorted him out, I'll go downstairs and take the slug by surprise, and last night it worked. Big, fat thing under the dining table! So, I'm hoping he hasn't got any friends.

Slugs are disgusting.


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