Wednesday, May 06, 2009


I've been neglecting this diary. I think I need to start writing again. It's something I need to do

Here's some things I could have written about in the last couple of weeks, but didn't:

The boy started nursery. I'm pretty sure I mentioned this, but only in passing. He really liked it to begin with. Then he had a few bad days when he really didnt want to go. Now he seems to have found himself again and he likes to go. I suppose going to nursery is a huge step in the life of a three-year-old. He seems to be taking it in his stride anyway.

We went to the Swindon-Cricklade Railway on Saturday. That's always a good day. You pay £5 to get in, and then you can ride on the steam train as many times as you like. I like it because they haven't restored the soul out of it. They have a couple of stations, a few trains, and quite a lot of rolling stock. There are a few cracked windows and a bit of peeling paint. Discarded bits of engine and railway sleepers are to be found lying around, and the carpark is a field. The steam train broke down while we were there, which all added to the fun. There was also a beer festival, which was great, except I was driving, so I could only have one.

The boy is getting interested in words and language now. He has a set of sponge letters to play with in the bath and he can now pick out the letters to spell his name and write it on the wall. Have I writetn about this before? It sounds familiar. Anyway, I think that's pretty damn good for a just-three-year-old. We have a bunch of fridge magnet letters and Chinese characters for him to play with on the front of the fridge now too.

The National ID Card scheme, is to be launched in Manchester apparently. The Home Secretary, who appears to be inhabiting some paralell universe claims that demand will be high. Government figures show that 59% of people are in favour of ID Cards. Well lets see how many people on the streets of Manchester decide to go in and spend £60 on an id card. I'm guessing it won't be very many. I'm quite looking forward to seeing Jacqui Smith explaining why no one is enroling. Except, it's being reported that Smith is not going to survive a cabinet reshuffle in June. A reshuffle is expected after the government performs apallingly badly in local and European elections on 4 June. I'm quite looking forward to that too.

Do you know thw Euro Millions lottery jackpot on Friday is £110,000,000. I bought a ticket. I don't know how to tell if I won though. Friend Dickie says it's an idiot tax, but he'll be laughing on the other side of his face when I roll up in my Bentley.


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