Bamboo to scale
It's Friday, it's 3.30pm, and I should be writing a software manual. But I'm not, obviously. But that's the thing about being a writer. Very few people in the office know what you actually do, and everyone assumes you must be working if you're typing. And even if someone does come past and notice that I am in fact typing words in Notepad or Word, it doesn't look out of place, unlike those people who are supposed to be writing code. Though I have a suspicion that not all the code I see on screens round here is in fact what it appears to be at forst glance.
I've had a request to publish some more bamboo jungle pictures with people in to provide scale. Good point, I have some, and here they are:

There may be some more at home in the Dragon's collection. I'll have a look when I get back. In case you can't tell from the pictures, I'd say that the bamboo there was probably 15m high, and as thick as my arm.
I've made them the right width this time, so those people who noticed pictures falling off the edge of the page when viewing at, they should now be back in the frame.
While I thnk of it, I've been waffling on about Sir Fred Goodwin the failed banker this week and how he should be handing back the vast pension he made off with. Well, it's been suggested in the Telegraph that violence isn't the answer, and they're probably right. So, stealing back Fred's cash has been turned into a flash game, so have a play here, and get even peacefully.
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