Friday, March 20, 2009


My passion for writing rubbish every day has died. Actually, that isn't really true. I think the passion is still there, it's probably more a question of time. Until fairly recently I've not been particularly stretched at work. It was easy to find half an hour or more to place letters on a page. My company has shed some staff however, and I am now doing what was two jobs up until February. It's not a big issue. I can fit it all in. It's just more difficult to find time to waste. On the plus side, I'd much rather be busy than under utilised.

I have pictures of our Taiwan trip that I want to share. I haven't sorted them all out yet. In fact, I haven't sorted them out at all. I used to be the team photographer, but that role now appears to have been taken on by the dragon. I could of course carry on taking pictures, but for some reason, I take very few these days. The long and the short is, I have to ask the dragon where the pictures are each time I want to post them up here, and I haven't done so yet for the Taiwan pictures. Honestly, I'll try and do it this weekend. She's a much better photographer than me anyway, so although you have to wait, it's probably worth it.

This weekend is the boy's birthday. He will be three. How did that happen?! There will be cake, candles, hats, presents, cards etc. I want to take him on the steam train, but I don't know that it will happen. He's going to start nursery next month.

We're currently trying to get the house fixed up. You may remember that I renovated our disgusting bathroom while the dragon was away without me and that means really only decorating is required to make our home all lovely. I've also been investigating the possibility of converting the loft into another bedroom. We actually did speak to someone about it six months ago, but I didn't take it any further because he wanted drawings and planning permission and all sorts of things. However, another chap came round yesterday and he seems more positive about what can be done and seems quite keen to do it. Anyway, I'm quite excited about it all.

Apparently the Radio 1 Big Weekend (I'm too old and square to know what this is) is coming to Swindon in May. I didn't care when I read the news, but I also read that Broccoli Spears may also come as part of the package. Now I'm no fan of Broccoli, but even I realise she's just about the biggest star on earth, and I will be attempting to get hold of some tickets. Apparently they're free, and last year 500,000 people applied for 40,000 tickets. However, I'm in with a better than evens chance because, I have a Swindon postcode and they give residents preference. Of course, the Brit thing could all be cobblers. It was reported in the Sun, a publication not ofte commended for its accurate and balanced journalism.


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