Thursday, March 12, 2009

Too many nutters

Yesterday the Ponce of Wales was waving his arms about and warning us all that we only have 100 months to act before the effects of climate change destroy the planet. Today he's in the news again over his "herbal detox tincture". It seems that if we all go out and buy a 50ml bottle of this stuff for 10 (from his Duchy Originals company) we can "help eliminate toxins and aid digestion". Must be pretty powerful stuff. I make that 1 per teaspoon. Well it is made from artichoke an dandelion.

Strangely enough, the attack on the Prince of Wales was launched by Prof. Edzard Ernst, the world's first professor of complimentary medicine. I had him down as a nutter the moment I read he was a professor of complimentary medicine, but actually he's quite a hoopy frood. He thinks homoeopathy is bunk and has challenged Ponce Charles in his book "Trick or Treatment". In fact the book was ironically dedicated to the Prince. The Palace has responded to the comments, calling them "unfortunate", but they now also face a separate investigation from the Advertising Standards Authority after a complaint from a different source. See also the Guardian report.

I've written to my local MP again. She must be getting used to it by now. Actually, she probably doesn't read anything I send her. Some monkey she employs probably just sends out standard replies. The current gripe is about trains again. First Great Western put their ticket prices up 6% this year. That's more than three times the rate of inflation, and they also made a 6% profit in the previous 12 months. Not only that, but they no longer give monthly season ticket holders a renewal discount. So, in real terms, my ticket has gone up from 200 to 235 per month overnight. That's a rise of 17.5%. Oh and m,y train was late today because they were "awaiting the arrival of a member of the train crew". Yes, they actually delayed my train by 20 minutes, making hudreds of people late for work, because one of their staff was late.


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