Sunday, February 15, 2009


Well I didn't expect to be posting again for a while, but the boy is asleep, the Dragon is meeting some old friends, I have my trusty laptop, and it appears I can jack someone's unsecured wireless internet from the kitchen of my sister in law's apartment.

I'm still jet lagged, but I arrived safely yesterday evening. All is well. I really did think I might miss my flight yesterday however. I nipped home quickly after work and then drove straight to the airport. It's a journey of about 50 minutes and I left at 5.30 for a 9.30 flight thinking I could spend an hour or so in the bar at Terminal Three Departure Lounge. It turns out however that every clown in Southern England had decided to wreck their car on the M4 that afternoon and the journey took more than two and a half hours. So it was lucky I allowed plenty of extra time. It was after eight when I parked the car and I don't think I reached the check-in desk until 8.30. I had just enough time to pick up a bag of duty free scoffs before the gate opened. There was of course no chance of that relaxed hour in the bar.

Today we've been out and about in the city. It's hot here, must be mid twenties. It was 30C in Bangkok when we refuelled. I don't remember another time when the climate difference was so extreme. There was still snow in our back garden when I left, though it is going now.

I don't know what is planned for tomorrow. I am not in charge of itinerary. I know trip to the zoo to see the new pandas is on the cards, and I think I want to go to the top of Taipei 101 tower again. I'll keep you posted, maybe.


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