Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I'm feeling Lucky!

OK, it's late, just time for a quick entry here. You remember we had to race round London three weeks ago to sort out the boy's visa? Check out the chasing paper entry if you need a recap. It was a basically successful day, but we had a really foul journey home on the train, which was both late and overcrowded. I'm not sure why I didn't rant about it in that entry. Probably because First Great Western ruining my day is such a regular occurrence, I didn't think it noteworthy.

Noteworthy or not, I decided to send them a complaint letter anyway. It was a triumph of optimism over experience of course, but I rather enjoy writing them, and I can usually complete an elegant letter, dripping with vitriol in a matter of minutes. It's a gift.

I was not expecting anything more than a reply listing various excuses and an assurance that they are doing everything they can to provide a better service for me. Well, the reply was waiting for me on the door mat when I arrived home today, and bugger me if there wasn't £80 compensation in there. The tickets only cost me £60! Apparently they are currently offering double compensation for delays because of their terrible performance last year, so that was 2 x £30 for half a return journey. And they gave me another £20 because I complained about the overcrowding.

I'm feeling lucky. I may try and claim for the lack of trains yesterday.

In other news, the snow melted during the day, came back late afternoon, and has now frozen. I hope I can get a train tomorrow because I can't work from home. I left my laptop in the office. That was great planning wasn't it.

Ok that's it. I'm done, more tomorrow if I get time.


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