The Jackboot of Fate
At 6.30am, despite forecasts of snow, I discover upon looking out of the window that my street was flake free. Good thinks I, I'll go to work. But by the time I had dressed, spoken to the dragon and the boy, had some toast, cleaned teeth etc, we're knee deep in the stuff. A quick check on train conditions confirms that the entire country has ground to a halt, and according to friend Dickie in London, in excess of 6" has fallen on the capital. So, I'm working from home. No point in getting stranded due to inadequate rail facilities.

It's been a while since my last post here. Since that day there have been a couple of incidents that warrant an inclusion. Most notable was probably on Friday evening when I managed to throw a can of paint down the stairs. Luckily it was only a water based primer, and I do have a good carpet shampoo machine. It was however a nasty moment in my life. I was undercoating the woodwork in the bathroom ready for glossing this week. There I was at the top of the stairs, congratulating myself on a job well done, when the jackboot of fate kicked me firmly in the love-spuds.
It was but a small stumble. I was carrying too many things, I had wet hands. Two lengths of skirting board, a paint brush, a screwdriver, and the pot of paint went bouncing down the stairs. I saw it in slow motion, the lid flying off, the explosion of white emulsion into the air.
"Oh Bother!" I said.
As luck would have it, it looked much worse than it was. And it did look bad. It did come out of the carpet however. I was going to paint the skirting board in the conservatory, but I gave up that idea for the day. I have since completed that task without serious incident.
I spent the weekend in Devon with mother. It will be the last time I see her until I return from Devon.
Did you see Lost, series 5, episode 3? Charles Whidmore was an other! He was on the island in the 50s! I have no idea what's going on, but I've borrowed a VCR so I don't miss two episodes while I am away.
Right, what else was I going to tell you, oh yes, you remember about 100 years ago Kate Bush was leaping around singing Wuthering Heights? Well I heard a great cover version by the Ukulele orchestra of GB:
Go on, click it. You know you want to.
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