Monday, January 26, 2009

Lavatory God

Well this weekend I fitted a new flush mechanism in the upstairs lavatory, and fitted a new electric shower. I also replaced most of the woodwork in the bathroom, so it really only needs decorating now. I got utterly fed up with the lavatory project because the installation went fairly smoothly except for a tiny leak from one side of the cut-off tap I installed. It didn't really even need a cut-off tap, but I thought I might as well put one in the feed pipe so I didn't need to turn the water supply off to the whole house just to service the lavatory. I chose a compression fitting type, because I've never used the solder type before. Anyway, it leaked, about a teaspoon full overnight, and it was frustrating because all it needed was tightening, but I couldn't get a spanner to it properly.

I went to bed angry after two glasses of horrible cheap red wine, and woke up just as angry with a head ache. But I fixed the mother humper by swearing at it and attacking it with mole-grips, So all is well. When I replaced the shower I discovered that the cut-off tap or that doesn't work very well, but I was so pissed off with compression fittings by that time, that I didn't replace it. I really should have been documenting my progress with a camera, but the dragon took the camera to Taiwan, and though I do have a back up camera, it has no charge.

Lost, season five opened last night in UK. This season my cable company has actually resolved its differences with Sky tv, which is the only network showing Lost, so I don't have to download dodgy bit-torrent recordings as I did last season. This I am pleased about. Episodes one and two were shown together yesterday and were so complex I had to read the Lostpedia synopsis to get it straight in my head. I still don't know what's going on come to think of it. I have an issue with going to Taiwan next month. I think I'm going to be away for two Sundays, so that's two episodes I need to find from somewhere.

I'm having trouble sleeping. I think I miss my family. Last night I woke with a jolt thinking someone was in the house. I almost never dream. It wasn't a dream, but there wasn't anyone there.

Four Labour Peers have been accused of accepting money in exchange for changing legislation. The problem here is that the Lords are not accountable. They weren't voted in, and they can't be voted out. They can't even have their titles removed. Apparently the worst that can happen is that they are made to apologise. They can then go back to their seats and do it again. I say we throw them in jail for treason or something.


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