Monday, March 09, 2009

Sit Down and Secure Yourself

It should be a quieter week this week. I could even get a few minutes to write here. Did you see the last episode of Lost? Things are coming together at last. I almost knew what was going on last night.

Now, here is a hysterical story. You may have heard that British prisons are full, and in order to make space in them the government has decided that the best option is simply to let some of the scum bags out. Now, that to my mind is a fairly stupid idea. It's up there with asking Dracula to run a finishing school for girls. However, it gets better. Not only are we releasing murderers back into society, albeit with a special ankle bracelet and a stern warning not to rape or kill anyone, we're giving them money. No, seriously, we're actually letting violent criminals out of prison early and giving them money. And the reason we're giving them money is this...

(you may want to read the next line while seated, and secure yourself firmly)

... it's compensation for the fact that when released early they don't get the free board amd lodging that they would have enjoyed in prison.

I thought it was a joke when I read it.

I could cure the prison overcrowding problem overnight, all you have to do is lace the evening coffee with with something, I'm thinking cyanide, and clear away the bodies in the morning. The jails are empty and the sun rises on a world infinity more pleasant than the one of 24 hours earlier. This all ties in with my theory that an almost infinitely small number of people make the world a cess pit for the rest of us.

Good old Prince Charles has announced that we have less than "100 months" to save the world. It's not exactly clear where this figure of 100 months comes from, but obviously a brilliant scientist like the Prince of Wales will back it up with evidence and logical argument, even if it does currently sound like he just pulled the number out of his arse. It's all to do with deforestation in South America apparently. Anyway, I look forward to hearing his well balanced arguments and examining the facts he presents.

It turned into a busier day at work than I thought it would. Tomorrow may be different.


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