Monday, March 16, 2009


And so we embark upon a new week. The sun is shining here in Oxford, which can be no bad thing, except I am sitting behind a desk, looking at the sun through a window. This is made all the more frustrating because I'm working on a network that appears to be constructed from original wiring by Edison. Email in particular appears to be beyond the capabilities of the infrastructure this morning. Good old notepad. You can rely on notepad. It's one of those things that simplifies this overcomplicated world in which we live.

What can we expect this week then? Well, Joseph Fritzl, the Austrian cellar perv, is on trial and has already pleaded guilty to dozens of charges, though not murder it seems. This strikes me as odd. The man is going to spend the rest of his life in prison, surely there is no question of any other outcome. Why would he bother trying to get away with one charge? I could understand him pleading not guilty to everything, but just one charge, what's the point of that?

The chief medical officer has unveiled plans that would essentially make booze more expensive in Britain in an effort to reduce binge drinking. There are so many reasons why this is an appalling idea, but the funny thing is, all the politicians are basically in favour of raising the price of booze because they want the extra tax revenue it would yield. However, the plan is destined to be so unpopular with the public, that no politician has got the balls to actually support it.

The public aren't stupid. Everyone has realised that the cupboard is bare and therefore two things have to happen; taxes will go up, and public spending will go down. It seems to me very strange that politicians don't just say it.

Those crazy Japanese have created a scary girl robot that looks just real enough to be creepy, and just synthetic enough to be, well creepy. Look at this.

I haven't written properly here for weeks. I'm going to make an effort. I have pictures and everything.


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