Friday, April 17, 2009

Finding Things

I found a lottery ticket blowing around the front garden at the weekend. Clearly a sign, a higher force at work I thought. There were four plays on it, and the draw was for 28 Mar. So I checked the numbers, and guess what...

... in four plays, only one number came up. There should be a prize for doing that badly. Anyway, it wasn't worth anything. But, the following day news broke that someone in Swindon did find a winning lottery ticket which netted them £30k, and they were proseuted. It was found just walking distance from the house. So, I might well have landed up in jail if I had tried to claim anything.

I'm having a strange week for finding things actually. Last night while walking home I found someone's car key lying on the ground. I called the police station when I got home to ask if there was somewhere I could hand it in. They were unhelpful and spoke to me like an idiot. So I drove all the way to Gablecross police station to hand it in. That would be about six miles. Then, this morning I found 50p in change at the station. I toyed with the idea of putting it in the charity box at work, but temptation came over me and I bought a copy of Private Eye at the station news agent instead. The Eye actually cost £1.50, so there are winners and losers all round here.

I wrote to my MP again on Wednesday. It's been several weeks since the old bat heard from me, so it was about time. I wonder if she claims second home expenses. Anyway, this time it was about rail fares. Have I done this rant already? Whatever, I'm doing it again, it'll make me feel better. My bloody ticket price increased by 18% in January. However, since the price increase was achieved by withdrawing discounts rather than actually increasing the face value of the ticket, they've managed to sneak it in without too much bad publicity. The upshot is however, that I now pay £235 a month for my ticket as opposed to £200 in December. That works out at just a little under £3000 a year, for a 15 minute journey! I can't justify it any more. I'm going to start driving from next month when my ticket runs out.

Talking of MPs, Damian Green, shadow immigration secretary has had the case against him dropped. In case you don't remember, he was arrested after releasing figures the government thought were secret. The police made an embarrassing hash of things when they raided his Whitehall office without a warrant. Jacqui Smith was responsible for the decision to arrest Green. She now has more egg on her face. As if she doesn't have enough problems with her porn watching husband and the on-going expenses row.

It's Friday, I'm tired.


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