Thursday, April 23, 2009

Happy St George's Day

So, happy St. George's day to everyone. I bet you didn't even know it was his birthday did you? Well it is. It was the Queen's birthday this week too. She was 83 on Tuesday. I find this worrying. She's well past retirement age, and I'm not keen on jug ears moving into the driving seat.


I think I know how to solve the economic downturn, at least in Britain. Incidentally, why is it an "economic downturn" this time? In the 80s it was a "recession". Anyway, the way to solve it hit me yesterday. All we do is replace all treasury staff with the board of directors from Tesco. They seem to have their collective finger on the pulse. They just announced record £3 billion profits at a time when everybody else is pawning the family silver. Good voodoo if you ask me.


I'm almost certain I live opposite a cannabis farm. I don't approve, but I'm not the sort to dob my neighbour in to the coppers. Well OK, I'm considering it, I can't lie to you. I'm thinking that if he's growing seriously, then he must be dealing. And I think he is growing seriously because I can see foliage and all his lighting gear from our upstairs windows. That of course makes him a bit of a knob. Who grows pot in an upstairs bedroom and leaves the blind open?

OK, I want advice. Do I dob the guy in, or do I pretend I didn't see it? I wonder if I would feel the same if I didn't have a three year old that walks up and down that road every day. If I notice dealing activity, I'm going to shop the dude. Actually, I did see a car parked up there last night and a conversation take place between the farmer and the driver.


The boy has just started nursery three mornings a week, just round the corner from the cannabis farm. He seems to like it. I was thinking he might be a bit scared because he's never been without his parents for any length of time. He doesn't appear to give a toss however. He likes the toy tractor there, and the motorbike apparently.


I think I have a fake £1 coin. There has been lots in the news lately about forgeries. I can't make the vending machine at work take it, and it looks the wrong colour.


Budget day yesterday. Borrowing is at an all time high and all the papers are running witty "Robin Hood" headlines. Apparently we will now be offered £2,000 to scrap cars over 10 years old. The money has to be put towards a new car however. This is being done to stimulate the dying car industry. I have issues with this. I have a car over 10 years old, but I wasn't planning to replace it because I can't afford the £8,000 required to buy a new one. In fact, I still can't afford it even with a £2,000 discount. I guess it does mean that my car, which was probably worth £700 yesterday, is worth a little more today because, lets face it, everyone who was planning to buy a new car is now going to be looking for a 10-year-old car to buy and then scrap immediately to get the £2K right? Seems to me that it will be the £50 wrecks that will be most in demand however.

Anyway, point is, I can't see people with 10 year old cars scrapping them and buying new ones. People with 10 year old cars can't afford new ones, even with a £2,000 discount.


I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. I'm having a filling, so I'll be in a foul mood all day.


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