Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Peeing against the ornamental yew trees

Another week, and new accusations and allegations in the Parliamentary expenses row have been published. It just gets worse every morning. It's like a horror film that seems pretty good for the first half hour, and then turns into a gore-fest so explicit and stomach churning that it actually becomes difficult to watch. I've had enough of it now. I want it to stop. The speaker needs to go. Reforms need to be agreed, and there should be a general election. The only problem with this is that not all expenses have been published yet, and a general election would mean that some MPs would be able to stand again without being exposed. I suppose we have no choice but to let this simply run its course. It seems that 120 MPs' expenses have so far been published. Sadly my own MP has yet to be exposed.

It rained all weekend. And it was that foul intermittent rain that prevents one from planning anything. I bought three clematis plants to put outside the kitchen window. I managed to clear the flowerbed ready to put them in, but didn't manage to actually plant them. It's going to rain all week. However, it may clear up for the weekend, which is good because Monday is a holiday.

I visited the bank to see if I could borrow some money to build a new attic bedroom. Well, in reality I intend to pay someone else to build it. It's quite exciting. They offered me the money with no real problem. They suggested I could get a better rate if I moved my mortgage instead. They would then give me a fixed rate below what I currently pay, and they would add the extra loan on top of it. It sounds pretty good. I'm going to see about moving it this week. If they don't charge me for moving it, I think I'll do it.

The mens' lavatory is being decorated at the office today. That means the disabled lavatory is the only one available to those with a penis. That lavatory is also the shower room. It means that the health nazis who cycle/jog in tend to monopolise it for 20 minutes at a time. A queue of cross legged men is now forming outside the door. It's threatening to stretch out to the car park. I think I may just pee against the ornamental yew trees outside when the need takes me. Oh, we've just has an email to say we can use the ladies room as well. How embarrassing is that?

Are you still watching Lost? Season 5 just finished. What the bloody hell is going on? Is John Locke dead or not? And did the bomb go off? I don't think I can wait 8 months for the final season.


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