Friday, May 15, 2009

The Knackers Yard

And so we lurch awkwardly towards the end of another week. The rain is falling, the wind is howling, and the monument to sleaze that is now our parliament is still dominating the news. But I am not going to talk about it again. I've had enough of Phil Woolas trying to persuade me that the tampons he charged to expenses were for his personal use, and the Foreign Secretary David Milliband apologising so earnestly for making controversial claims of £30,000, which he is not going to return. I don't think I could stand to listen to Elliot Morely attempting to convince me again that he only claimed £16,000 erroneously because he simply forgot that he had already paid off his mortgage. And honestly, if I hear another minister tell me that everything they did was "within the rules" I may actually vomit.

But I'm not going to talk about it. I'm not even going to mention the appearance of Margaret Becket on Question Time last night attempting to defend her £70,000 claim (which she is not intending to repay) to the lynch mob audience in front of her. I wonder what the security arrangements were like. I was half expecting the crowd to rise as one and storm the stage with pitch-forks. She looked scared, like a horse suddenly realised he's strayed into the knackers yard by mistake. Nope, not going to talk about any of that. It's just too depressing. Perhaps there will be a revolution over the weekend. That would be good to write about on Monday.

In the mean time, I will update you about stuff:

The boy has been going to nursery for a couple of weeks now. He liked it to begin with, then got a bit scared about it, and now seems to be getting into it again. He's sly. He worked out that if he told the nursery staff that he was tired, they would just let him go to sleep in the quiet corner and he didn't have to join in. He's stopped doing that now though.

I've given up using the train to get to work. This month I have been driving. It means I can listen to Radio 4 on the way in and on the way home, but I have no reading time any more. I bought "Greed" by Richard Girlng about ten days ago and I'm only just into the second chapter. If they reintroduce the renewal discount, I may be persuaded to go back to the rails. Until then, I'm using the car.

It's going to pee down all weekend by the look of it, which is not great, but better this weekend than next, because that is a bank holiday weekend - hooray!

It's late and I'm going to post this now or it'll be morning before you know it.


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