Thursday, July 02, 2009

Nudity, just because

It's 8.45am. I've been at my desk for 20 minutes and I have achieved nothing. This is because the figures I need to compile today's reports have not arrived. On top of that, our new 10MB internet link, heralded yesterday as the greatest advance since man stopped eating dirt, is dead. So I can't even read the latest Michael Jackson news. Incidentally, Alan said yesterday that he was expecting Michael Jackson to rise again on the third day. Now that would be a hell of a come-back tour wouldn't it. But I guess it didn't happen. Or maybe it did. How the hell would I know without access to a news website?

So, I'm typing this on note pad, quietly cursing to myself and drinking black coffee. I actually managed to get here early this morning thinking I would be able to get some of my workload moved. Granted, I only achieved this by accident when the train in front of the one I was aiming to catch was sufficiently delayed that I was able to get on it. It completely confused me actually because we arrived on a different platform. I should count myself lucky that I made it out of the station really.

I have special discount rail ticket vouchers that I am intending to use this weekend. For a mere £40 I can take my family to London on the train first-class. I'm intending to take the boy on the London Eye. I can't book tickets or check the weather of course because the bleeding internet doesn't work. Well anyway, expect to see a report on that early next week. Come to think of it, I'm assuming the boy can travel free on the train but I'm not sure he can. If he can't, that will cost another £10. We can have lunch in China town and go to Hamleys. Oh, how we love Hamleys. Hope it doesn't rain.

Two nudity stories in the news today caught my eye. Firstly, a New Zealand airline has found a novel way to get passenger to watch the safety video, they present it naked. It's quite fun because they are all body painted as if they are wearing their uniforms. It's tasteful, but I watched it all the way through, and I don't think I can say that about any other airline safety video.

Secondly, an office in Newcastle has had a Naked Firday to improve staff morale. It's apparently going to be covered in Naked Office on Virgin 1 on July 9th. I'll certainly be tuning in. I wish my office would do something like that. It seems pretty much the whole office joined in and had fun doing it.


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