Me and the Boy Playing Boats (pic)
So, Monday again, whoopee.
England just beat the Australians in the second ashes test at Lords.
I mentioned last week that his Holiness the pope slipped up in the bathroom and broke his wrist. That in itself had some comedy value, but today I read that three nuns in a Ford Fiesta were stopped for speeding at 120 mph as they raced to the Holy Father's bedside to check on his condition. The nuns, aged 56, 65, and 78, were pulled over an hour from the Holy holiday chalet and told police, "We had heard how the Pope had fallen over and we were on our way to make sure he was OK."
I so hope this story is true, but my hunch is that there is some exaggeration here. I've owned a Ford Fiesta and I'm quite sure mine couldn't have managed anything like 120 mph. Even if it did go that fast, I'm not sure I'd have the balls to do it. Damn things are only slightly more substantial than the average bicycle. I suppose that one could argue that the brides of Christ had better insurance than me. It does appear from the report however that the driver, Sister Tavoletta, lost her licence and was landed with a €375 fine. She is apparently planning to appeal.
My knee has swelled up like a balloon. It's most odd. I've made an appointment with the doctor. Seven days wait to see a doctor, shocking. I'm going to see if I can find a few other ailments to present while I'm there. I want my damn money's worth.
We took the radio controlled boat out yesterday to the canal. It was fun actually, though the battery only lasted a few minutes. The boy thought it was fun too, though he's not much good at driving it. He tends to send it rushing into long weeds at great sped. I had visions of having to wade in to get the damn thing. I've been wanting to try it out for days, but there's either been no time or it's been peeing down with rain.

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