Horticulture and a couple of penguins
It's my wedding anniversary today. I thought it significant that we got a card from my mother, and another from my aunt which both featured penguins. Stay with me, this is spooky. Not only that, they feature an almost identical slogan. See for yourself.

See, I told you, Twilight Zone right?!
OK, I'm going to get horticultural now. This photo was taken in our garden. It's a "Ken Sharp" fuchsia.

The astute among you, and those who are friends with me on facebook, will be aware that my family name is also "Sharp". See where I'm going with this? This fuchsia was named after my Grandfather when he died. He was grand wizard of the British fuchsia society, or something. How cool is that?! Anyway, I'm all excited because my mother gave us this fucshia, and we haven't killed it. It's growing in our garden! And the Dragon is even trying to grow a new one from a cutting.
And, since we're on the subject of horticulture, look at my tomatoes...

I think I let them get a bit out of control. But look at that plethora of tomatoes.
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