107 miles
This is the second attempt I have made at writing this thanks to a laptop disaster earlier today. Computers seem to hate me at the moment.
It emerged today that while on the US mainland it is not possible to be more than 107 miles from a McDonalds restaurant. Some clown, who frankly needs to get out more, has plotted all 13,000 McRestaurants on a map and found the spot furthest from any of them. In case you're worried, that spot 107 miles from the nearest outlet is between Meadow and Glad Valley in South Dakota. All this means that, as long as you have a full tank of fuel, you can get to a McDonalds and back from wherever you are on the US mainland. I find that deeply disturbing.
As I tossed this story round the office this morning, several comments came back, and George came up with a brilliant idea. He reckons we can solve the post office closure problem here in the UK simply by putting a post office in the corner of every restaurant. McCoverage in Britain is not as complete as the US of course. I'm thinking of writing to Lord Mandleson about it anyway.
The BNP have lost another membership list. It's beginning to look like carelessness. A full membership list showed up on teh internet a few months ago and this morning wikileak was hosting an updated list from April. The foul Nick Griffin is all upset about it (again), and it has yet to be verified as genuine. He claims that it's all a conspiracy to undermine his appearance on Question Time on Thursday. I've downloaded my copy already. I didn't recognise any names from my home town.
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