Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Culture Vulture

It's October and it's still reaching the low 30s during the day here. That's up in the 90s for you American types. It's too hot, really, it's quite ridiculous. They have Christmas decorations up in Britain I'm reliably informed. If I was a politician I would be campainging to ban Christmas decorations except in December. It seems they go up before the begining of October now. That's more than a quater of the year!

It seems Abby already knew about the singing horses yesterday. I thought I had a scoop. It just goes to show you doesn't it.

I'm meeting the dragon tonight in Nanjing East Road. I have to get my father a birthday present. He's going to be 70 in a few days. I can say all this here because I know he won't be reading it. The parents have gone off to live in a converted chapel in the middle of nowhere in Cornwall for a few days. It's their idea of a holiday. The internet hasn't reached those parts yet. I have no idea what to get him. I'll report back tomorrow.

This was written yesterday, and never finished. It's now today, and in case anyone is interested, I bought my father a book of Chinese poetry (translated into English) and a CD of Carmina Burana. He's a culture vulture, what can I say?


At 7:30 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd seen the horses before too.


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