Friday, September 23, 2005

Almost vegetarian

It's peeing down with rain again and the wind is picking up. We're being teased by another typhoon, though it is to the south of the island and here in the north only very minor effects are really being felt. It has however laid a depressing layer of grey over us. It seems Hurricane Rita is heading for Texas and the authorities are unwilling to be caught out like they were with Katrina. Evacuations have already begun. The people who evacuated to Texas to excape Katrina must feel like they're being followed.

Mei made dinner for us last night and it was "almost vegetarian curry". It was "almost" vegetarian because no-one remembered to buy any dead animals to throw in and only a few prawns made it to the pan. It was still very good. We also sampled some bagels, also produced by Mei using her new oven and the results were good. I made bagels once, they're difficult. You have to boil them first and then bake them. Mei' s were better then mine.

Tomorrow I am scheduled to experience traditional fish and chips dinner with old friend Andy. The place is apparently called the "Frying Scotsman" and is an authentic British style fish and chip place right here int he center of Taipei. Quite looking forward to it. Might even get a beer or two in.

A new 100 minute bible has been launched in UK to try and get people better informed. I'm not sure why it's a "100 minute" bible since it seems to be somethign that takes either 120 or 140 minutes to read, depending on which report you read. I wonder whether this effort to spread the word will have a positive or negative effect. In my experience a lot of atheists and agnoistics are rather more knowledgable on matters theological than the so-called believers. Not always the case of course. Click.


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