Saturday, September 17, 2005


We bought an oven for Mei. I know that sounds like a weird birthday present, but we did. Ovens are not common here. Most people wok things. Can "wok" be used as a verb? Well, it can in this diary. The dragon thought she might like it to make cakes, because she's into cooking and cakes are pretty much impossible without an oven. Tonight I think we'll give it to her. I think her birthday is Sunday though.

The big news today is that President Bush had to ask Condoleezza Rice if he could go for a wee wee at the UN summit. He managed to get himself photographed writing a note to her.The note seems to say, "I think I may need a bathroom break. Is this possible?" But I can see another word being written and I want to knoww what it is. See for yourself.


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