Wednesday, August 31, 2005


It's begining to typhoon quite violently and I'm writing this at the office. We had to come to work today. The dragon just called and she's already been sent home. She actually said that Taipei City has all been officially sent home, but we haven't yet, so we could be the only office stil working in t he whole city. Actually it's also been said that we can go home at 4. different stories depending on who you listen to.

I just had a Framemaker crash and lost hours of work. It's not been a good day so far. It would really make it perfect if I couldn't get home.

The above written at work, this writtten at home. We got sent home at 4pm, but no-one wanted to be first to get up and go. Wind and rain was begining to look nasty by then however and Sumedha led the exodus. Many, including myself followed. I was out of the office before 5pm and got home to eat dinner with the family for a change. I was worried that getting home wold be difficult, but actually it wasn't. They often stop the subway when typhoons come because they get flooded or the elevated sections get buffeted by gigantic winds. But everything was still running. It's been confirmed that we don't have to work tomorrow. I've actually brought some work home with me, but I don't think I'll do it unless I get really bored.

I'm going to give eDonkey a try I think. I get a bit frustrated with Bearshare after a while. I'll keep you posted on that. It swears there's no spyware, which is more than we can say for some other file sharing apps.

There is a move afoot in Britain to reform the sex offenders register. Deputy Chief Constable Robert Ovens of the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland is suggesting that anyone charged with sex offences, even if they have not been to court, should be registered. I find that worrying beyond belief. I don't have a problem with convicted offenders being made to register, though I can't see that it really does any good, but the idea of someone simply suspected of comitting a sex offence being treated like that is outrageous.

This suggestion has been made after a child in Scotland was found, apparently murdered by a man awaiting trial for sex offences. The man is now dead. I'm not suggesting that the man was innocent, he probably wasn't. But the fault here lies with the authorities who realeased this man on bail. And now they are trying to suggest that it wouldn't have been a problem if he'd been made to sign the sex offenders reister! Click.


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