Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Late night entry

No time to write a proper entry today. Good points from Jim about the sexy car drivers. Why are they paying people for this kind of drivel? Must be a slow news day.

There has been a big earthquake in Japan but thankfully casualties appear to be few and not serious. The Japanese are probably more prepared for earthquakes than anyone in the world.

The Da Vinci Code is currently being filmed in Paris and around Britain. In case you missed it in the news, Westminster Abbey wouldn't let them film there which was a bit of a bugger for the film crew. However, they bunged Lincoln Cathedral a large doantion and they were allowed to film there instead. The funny thing is, they have dressed up Lincoln Cathedral like Westminster Abbey. I'd have thought it would be cheaper to build the whole set. Anyway, not everyone is happy about the choice of Lincoln Cathedral for the filming. A 61 year old nun has been praying for 12 straight hours on the steps of the building in protest.

This story is made all the more interesting by the fact that it is written so badly by a nameless BBC reporter who clearly hasn't read the book. He/she found it necessary to inform his readership that the nun was catholic. He also claimed that the Da Vinci code "portrays Jesus marrying Mary Magdalene and fathering a child". No it doesn't, it portrays some academics who put forward the theory that Christ may have married Mary Magdelane. Click.

I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing this film. I though the book was so bad that the film can't possibly be a dissapointment. I still say Brown should have been imprisoned for that bloody awful ending.

Anyway, it's bed time. More tomorrow.


At 9:39 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Twelve hours straight is nothing. You're not even a contender unless you go for 40+ hours and then collapse with cardic failure. Ask the Koreans.


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