Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Why do we do it?

I came to work on the subway as usual yesterday and it was crowded. It is always crowded at that time of the day. Especially the blue line. I was waiting at on the paltform at Taipei Main Station. When the train arrived everyone tried to jam themselves into the carriages but about half the people waiting simply couldn't fit and were left on the platform. The train was completely full. People were standing right against the doors. And then some guy came up and started forcing himself into the carriage. He braced himself against the door frame and just pushed all the people really hard to make a space for himself. I thought he was a subway employee at first, trying to move people out of the way of the sliding doors, but then I realised he was actually just another passenger that couldn't wait three minutes for the next train.

I hate being pushed. I'm not above turning round and shouting at people who try and push me onto the trains in whatever language that comes to hand, usually English since my Chinese is appalling. This happens fairly often though thankfully the white man seems to be treated with rather more caution than the locals. Perhaps we all react badly to being pushed.

To get back to the thug on the train, I'd have punched him if he'd pushed me, really I would. It makes me think, why do we do this? Why do we cram ourselves into trains against people we don't know, to go and sit at a desk and do a job we don't like every day? What is the human obsession with organising ourselves like this? The best answer I can supply is simply that no-one can think of anything better.

There seems to big a huge row going on at the moment about whether we should invoke treason legislation to bring those responsible for terrorist in London activity to justice. I can't see what all the fuss is about. There are already laws in place to deal with murder, terrorism, incitement to murder, why do we need to start trying to make treason legislation fit? I also have to say, I don't give a toss what these bastards are charged with as long as they receive the appropriate sentence. No-one has been charge with treason since Lord Haw Haw just after the last war apparently. He was the guy that used to come on the radio and spout German propaganda, presumably in an attempt to dampen British spirit.

Work has started on a new building Dubai that will become the tallest in the world. The actual height of the building is being kept a secret, but it's going to be substantially more than 600m. That's more than 90m taller than the current record holder right here in Taipei. It's also 50m taller than the CN Tower, not generally considered a building, in Toronto. Are they just going to keep building taller and taller structures until one of them falls down? Click.

There was a cockroach incident in the bathroom last night at 4 am. After disposing of the body I was too awake to sleep again. Now I'm too asleep to work.


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