I'm looking at you

Yesterday lunchtime was taken up with golf practice and I didn't post an entry. Well there wasn't much to say anyway.
I've just gt a new project at work. It's like a light sabre and it has infrared capability so you can see in the dark. It can also take pictures and record video. I have no idea what this product could possibly be used for other than very voyeuristic purposes. I don't ask questions however, I merely put the words on the page.
In the news today:
A group of Canadian scientists are DNA testing a tuft of fur that residents of a Yukon town claim came from a sasquatch. The scientists are going to compare the DNA with known species from the area. One of two things will happen; either the fur will match something and the villagers will reject the result, or the DNA won't match anything and the scientists will say that it doesn't prove anything and the villagers will claim it does. I suppose the legend is fun and it doesn't do any harm. But trust me people, if anything that big was out there, we'd know about it already, click.
A "work of art" that takes the form of a 2 litre bottle of water (supposedly melted Antarctic ice) with a price tag of 42,500 pounds (seriously I don't make this up) has been stolen and it is feared that someone drank it. The "work of art" was on show at a literary exhibition in Devon, UK, not far from my parents abode. It was apparently titled "Weapon of Mass Destruction", and was created to highlight global warming. There's a prize to anyone who can dream up anything more pretentious than that. The artist, Wayne Hill, American, never heard of him, is clearly distressed and claimed that it was clearly a work if art. I beg to differ on that point. Click.
The hidden sex scenes in Grand Theft Auto contiue to cause massive uproar in the US with the House of Representatives now voting for an inquiry. Honestly, does it really need one? I've seen the offensive material. It's a very low quality cartoon. I don't think you can even see any low quality cartoon genitals. What is the fuss about? Click.
Apparently some chunks of Space Shuttle have fallen off on launch. I htink it's time they replaced the fleet. Click.
The oldest ever penis has been discovered in a cave in Germany. I'm sure there's a joke here, but I can't think of one. It's 28,000 years old, made of stone, and may have been "used as a sex aid" according to the BBC report. I'd have thought stone was a bit cold myself.
A quick note about my birthday. You'll be pleased to know it all went very well, we ate cake and stuff, did the singing and hand clapping etc. My Grandfather in law gave me a beautiful carved jade smilie face. It's looks thousands of years old and it was a most wonderful present.
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