Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Strange that Mr Cat6 and I both stepped into the world of podcasting at the same time. I think I need to read about xml and RSS next. There is a damn great book here about xml that I intend to dip into. Have to do it quickly as the new Harry Potter is almost upon us.

Friend Murdoch has contacted me and is back at work again after a few months rest. He has a new site if anyone is interested, World of Murdoch. And if you're reading this Murdoch, stop hounding me, I bought your book. I'm going to get you to sign it, on the off chance that you become rich and famous.

Not much to report in my life. James is on his way to Australia, or might already be there by now. He intends to show his hot girlfriend to his parents. Tomorrow I have to visit the police and finalise my visa application. Andy says they will only grant a one- year permit on the first application. I can't really complain about that.

Did I mention that my sister in law was groped by a stranger on the street the other day? Well apparently she was. It's quite common here for some reason. The dragon has been groped more than once. I swear, next time it happens I'm starting a rumble if I'm there. The sister-in-law incident actually ended quite well. She apparently grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back until he apologised. She's a tough broad. I almost wish I could have seen it.

It's a funny business this tech writing thing you know. Monday I had almost nothing to do, today I'm overloaded again. I have to work this weekend and I think I will actually have to do real work. I hate that. I can't understand why they make people work weekends, it just pisses them off and most of the time we don't do anything worthwhile.

Just one other thing to mention. I wrote about a race for robot vehicles last year. There was a big prize available for the makers of an autonomous vehicle that could make it across the Mojave desert. I the race was oragnised by the American military. Well, the race was something of a let down in the end because no-one managed to get get anywhere near the finish line. The team that came closest however were from Carnegie Mellon University. The race looks like being held againa nd this year it might even yield some results. The Carnegie Mellon team haVe got themselves a Humvee which drove itself round a racetrack for 7 hours and covered 200 miles. It's impressive, but it's not the desert. I think it's exciting. I'm looking orward to the next race. I wish I was involved. click.


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