Sir John Stevens is Slime
Nothing particularly special happened this weekend. We did attend a one-year reunion party for the class of children the dragon taught last year. I took some pictures and put them in a new gallery. It won't be very interesting to most people. It's really only there for the people that attended. I thought I caught some groovy shots however.

Isn't she pretty? This child always looks good in photos. I think it's because she doesn't pose for them like most children, she just let's it happen.
Apart from that, not very much to report. I noticed that the wild fruit trees behind our apartment are bearing fruit. I'm told that last year no one took the fruit, so I am planning a mission out there to harvest it in due course. It's not ready yet. There are two trees, one is bell fruit, and the other is dragon fruit. I have no idea whether that is the corect English translation, it's a direct translation from the Chinese.
To the person that sent me the fortune telling link, I'm sorry, I don't really read Chinese very well, and I don't believe in fortune tellers so you should find someone else to evaluate your site. My wife does read Chinese and I'll show her the link, but I don't think she's really interested in fortune telling either.
After the terrorist attacks last week, I was wondering how long it would be before id card supporters started telling us how it could have been avoided with id cards. Well, credit where it's due, the Labour party appear to be taking a very decent line on this so far. I was listening to Radio 4, "Any Answers" this morning on Internet radio, and when asked the question, would id cards have prevented the attacks, all of them, including Trade and Industry Secretary, Alan Johnson, said that they probably would not. One of the panel did claim that id cards might help in the search for the bombers. Alan Johnson also said that better passport standards might also have helped, and I would agree with him on that.
I did see that prize idiot and former Metropolitan Chief of Police Sir john Stevens, has claimed that the terrorists were almost certainly British. I can't actually find the story this morning, I read it yesterday, but Stevens fails to back this wild statement up with any kind of fact or evidence, and I can only think that it is in preparation to casually bring up the benefits of id cards at some time in the future. How low can you get? Stevens is slime, I've always disliked him. He's of low intelligence and I think he's insecure. The insecurity theory came to me after I saw the following picture of him.

Look at him, what was he thinking?
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