I'm still not convinced about the Cat6 argument for ozone holes at the poles. I can see that a spinning atmosphere might make it egg shaped. I still can't see why some elements of it vanish. Why don't the CFCs spin out to the edge in this giant centrifuge and thin the ozone layer around the equator?
I'm going to the golf driving range at lunch time today. I can't remember the last time I picked up a golf bat. I hope I can still remember how it works. I'm going with James, Don, and Jamie. I hope they're crap at golf too.
My Father e-mailed me this morning and he's overjoyed that Britain is to host the 2012 Olympics. This is not because he's a sports fan, he just hates Chirac. He's currently looking for a picture of him minutes after the announcement. I'd quite like to see it myself. I can't say I'm particularly pleased that Britain won. I rather hoped that Blair would be blamed for us loosing.
Yesterday a note appeared on the door of the office. I should point out that we are not allowed to wear shoes in the office and that it is a translation company.

Don't ask me why we're not allowed to wear shoes in the office, it's not as if there is even a carpet on the floor. Anyway, I corrected the English.

As a side note, further corrections were made by person or persons unknown at some time during the morning. Final changes included the phrase, "no shoe is permitted outside" and, "as of July 10th", but thats beside the point. I have two ideas in my head. First, we should get 200 pairs of old shoes and pile them up outside the door. Second, we should wait until five minutes before shoe inspection and then steal the Weasel's shoes and leave them outside the door. Other suggestions are a welcome of course.
Break for lunchtime golf session...
I had no need to worry, Don whimped out, and Jamie and James were no experts either. I hit a few good balls. I thought I'd have forgotten, but it's still in there somewhere. Last time I went to a driving range you had to carry a bucket of balls out to the booth with you. Now they seem to pop up through the ground by magic. We're going to do it again. Next time I will bring the right shoes and a spare shirt.
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