Wednesday, June 29, 2005

apocalyptic forecasts

The Daily Mail is the latest publication to try and scare us with apocalyptic forecasts due to global warming. Apparently by 2205 Britain is likely to be a series of small islands rather than the big lump it is now. London will be pretty much submerged. I honestly started to read the artical that went with the graphic provided, but I noticed the disclaimer "assuming a rise in sea levels of 275 ft) and decided it really wasn't worth my time. 275 ft is 200 years is almost 1.5 ft a year. And that's if it starts tomorrow. You people are mad. Even if I was concerned about global warming, making patently idiotic predictions like that is just going to make me laugh at you. What are you trying to do here? Make me more environmentally sound with fairy stories. This makes me think of the AIDS predictions that were made in the 80s that were all wrong. Honestly, you must think your readers are all stupid. See for yourself here.

The id card reading just got through with a majority of 31. The Labour majority in the House stands at 67 at the moment. I'm sad that the bill got through, but I'm glad to see that it wasn't plain sailing. All the pundits are sasying that it will get mauled when it hits the Lords. Since there is very littel chance of the bill geting through in its current form, my worst fear is that this will get through but in a castrated form. I have a feeling that the only part the government really want is the biometric database, and it will therefore be the last part they let go of. It was very pleasing to see the Tories pledge to repeal the legislation if it made it on to the statute book.

A list of 49 items that are considered essential and which would liekly be held on the id card database has been released. The way I read it, the items listed are liekly to be included, but others may also be included in the database. I note that fingerprints are listed as is "other biometric information". Vague isn't it? I'm still studying the list, but as long as they want my fingerprints, I'm not going to carry one. Here's the list.

By strange coincidence, the man who was the voice of piglet has died, 24 hours after the man who was the voice of tigger. Funny old world isn't it?

Dickie, yes you are out of the loop. Go get the Sin City DVD, you can give it to me if you don't like it.

The one great thing I have to report today is that I have my clean criminal record certificate returned to me from England after it visiting the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and then the Taiwan Representative Office for their respective authorisations. That document was issued in Devon, England, and I asked them to send it to me in Taiwan, but they wouldn't because I couldn't produce two forms of identification with my name and current address in English. So it was sent to my parents address in England instead, and they sent it to me. I then send it back to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London for their stamp. They sent it on to the Taiwan Representative Office, also in London for their stamp. They then sent it back to me again. How many hundreds of miles has this poxy document travelled? All this took around 2 months. It only remains valid for a visa application for three months. So, unless I get my application in pretty damn quick, all will have been in vain. We are due there on Friday. I'l keep you posted.


At 10:06 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Sin City will be out on DVD here on the 16th of August, so I will get it then if it's sensibly priced.
As for the AIDS forcasts from the 1980s, my view is that we need people to make scary apocalyptic forcasts of these things in order for them to get peoples' attention, and thus be avoided. You only need to look to South Africa as an example of a country that ignored the AIDS warnings and is now paying the consequences.


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