Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Gripes and Complaints

I'm not sure what I'm going to write about yet but this could be a list of gripes and complaints so you don't have to read on if you don't want...

I work for a scumbag. He awards bonuses and then never pays them. I'm sorely tempted to stick one on the tosser. Nasty little weasle. He owes me a bonus from March, and he still owes me for dinner at the Westin Taipei. Like an idiot I actually paid for that myself thinking that the penny pinching bastard would reimburse me as promised. I'll get even. What gets me is the philosophy. I mean, does he expect me to work hard now that I know his promises are lies? Bollocks to that, I'm working to rule until further notice.

I've come to the conclusion that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, is a most unpleasant man. I used to think he was OK, despite the fact that my views on Christianity are miles from his. I realised after a while that he was not as clever as I thought he was. Now I think he is undeserving of respect from anyone. He has described web based media as, "paranoid fantasy, self-indulgent nonsense and dangerous bigotry". OK, I understand what you mean, but it's not all like that is it. That's like saying "all Muslims are terrorists". Very ill considered choice of words at best. He goes on to describe the atmosphere on the internet as a "free-for-all" that was “close to that of unpoliced conversation”. Now that sent shivers down my spine.

What is he trying to say here? Is it the fact that anything written on the internet can be accessed by anyone? Is it a censorship issue? Is it the fact that, as an internet user I can write anything that comes into my head? A free speech issue? Is it the fact that it's very difficult to control? An authoritarian issue? I honestly don't understand what could have provoked such a ridiculous comment. But I can only assume that Rowan Williams is either:

a: Pro censorship
b: Against free speech
c: A control freak

Whichever it is, he gets a place on the DongXi shit-list and the June award for the most undiplomatic ranting in public. The phrase "unpoliced conversation" in that context is one of the most chilling things I have heard from a figure in authority in my life. It's like something from 1984. And Williams, if by any strange coincidence you do happen to read this, you should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. Click here for the story.


At 6:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My god. Some people are not designed to be in the light of the media. I bet it sounded a lot smarter in his head than it did coming out of his mouth.

I think you should put a DongXi shit-list in your side bar.

At 7:01 am, Blogger mis_nomer said...

"unpoliced conversation"??? Awful.


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