Saturday, June 18, 2005


My iPOD was shuffling songs on my way to work this morning. As I walked from the subway to the bus stop it was playing "Slow boat to China". As I approached the office it was David Bowie's "China Girl". The irony didn't really hit me until half way through the Bowie track. A white man in Taiwan listening to two other white guys singing about China. Yeah, well I guess you had to be there.

That humungous spider that I mentioned a while back turned up again last night. I was asked to dispense with it, but I wasn't quick enough. While looking for a suitable weapon, it scampered off and is still in residence somewhere. I dont' really want to kill it. It's not a humanitarian thing. It's just too big to kill. It would make a horrible mess I'm sure. The wasps haven't come back I'm pleased to say.

There is much squabbling in Europe over budget and constitution at the moment. They've decided to extend he deadline for ratifying the constitution "beyond November 2006" whatever that means. It won't make any difference however. The problem has nothing to do with timescales, it's a rotten piece of legislation. All the time in the world won't change that. Currently Britain is public enemy no. 1 in Europe because we won;t give up our rebate. I can't help smiling about it.

I just watched Roman Holiday with Audrey Hepburn. Somehow I have managed to miss this film my entire life. It was pointed out to me by the dragon that it is remarkably similar to Nottinghill. Perhaps more corectly, Notting hill is remarkably similar to Roman Holiday. I would have missed this, but have look, she's right. Nottinghill is a rip off.


At 6:28 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Notting Hill made me want to vomit.

Hugh Grant makes me shudder with the standard "oh look at me with my foppish mop of hair and my British accent and my rogueish black prostitute shagging antics" character that he plays in all films. It was novel at the start of Four weddings, but got old quickly.

And Julia Roberts has two lower lips. It's just not right, though she was good in Closer (I thought).


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