Thursday, June 09, 2005

Rioting in the streets

The good news for today is that my internet feed now works at home. So I once again have a fat pipe. It's always good to have a fat pipe.

The bad news today is that China is clamping down on personal web pages and even blogs. All Chinese will, from the end of June, have to register their blogs with the government or fall foul of the law. It would also seem that early applications to register are being refused. Click.

I'm torn. On one hand I want to create a site that is so anti China that I get filtered out by the Great Firewall. On the other hand, I want to produce a site just this side of aceptable to China and publish posts from Chinese people who can't have their own site. I image though that the second scenario couldn't happen without the first. I think I would feel a certain sense of achievement if China filtrered me out. I'm thinking about this. I'll keep you posted.

We're still waiting on the MJ case. I guess that means the jury are undecided and it could fall either way.

I know I've mentioned the proposed new car tracking scheme every day this week so far, but I have to mention it again today. Here's a quote from the BBC website again:

"Motorists' groups have reacted angrily to the proposals, although a Mori survey suggests that only 16% of drivers would refuse to have tracking devices fitted in their cars to allow the introduction of road-charging."

NOw I've already accused the BBC of bias on this one, but look at that statement, "only 16%". Are you mad?! That's about 1 in 6 people. Or to put it another way, 5 milion cars. That my friends is not an insignificant resistance, that's a bleeding rebellion! And quite right too. There should be rioting on the streets.


At 9:12 pm, Blogger Richard said...

Mmm. Fat pipe.

What was wrong with it anyway?

Have you been leaving anonymouse comments on my blog?


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