Monday, May 30, 2005

Better than average

You know I still feel pretty sick, and I have to come to work tomorrow. I did however finally manage to defeat the red woman from Ronin, Spirit of the Sword this morning. This makes it a better than average day.

I see today that a bunch of British doctors are calling for a ban on long kitchen knives. What next, cork screws? Honestly, are they serious? Click.

Tracey Emin has launched a new exhibition in Britain and is making headlines for the naked self portraits. I like Tracey Emin. I think she produces art for herself, and the fact that she sells it is probably just a bonus. That is to say, I don't think her art would be any different even if she wasn't popular. She's not poular with a lot of people of course. I can remember my parents expressing some surprise that I had any time for her. Think about Andy Wharhole. Now there is someone who made art to sell art. The result was a pretentious collection of crowd pleasing trash. Would Wharhole art be different if he couldn't have sold it, yup, it wouldn't exist because he'd be doing something else in the pursuit of fame and fortune.

The French are voting for (or maybe against) Europe on Saturday. Reading the reports today I have concluded that the EU constitution is doomed to fail. If the French vote No, and that looks likely, the constitution must effectively be abandoned because it must be ratified by all 25 member states to become law. Even if they vote yes, it's bound to be rejected somewhere else. It appears to me that politicians and the public are looking at Europe from very different perspectives. The politicians perceive Europe as an exciting new political system. The public judge it by how it will change their collective lifestyle.

OK, I wrote the above yesterday (Friday) and never got around to posting it. I'm now at work on Saturday morning, listening to Kally bleating on about something or other.

We're going mountain climbing tomorrow with Andy and Vivian. Quite lookng forward to it. It's an early start. This is the last recreational weekend we will have for a while because the dragon starts her course next week. I think the next weekend we spend together will be Dragon-boat festival holiday next month.

OK, due to the fact that I left the flash disk at the office on Saturday, this never got posted. It's now Monday morning. I did go climbing mountains yesterday, the French voted Non! as predicted, and I've been trialling Skype. I think it has cool potential. I'm going to post this now, realy I am.


At 4:50 pm, Blogger Richard said...

What's your Skype ID?


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