Friday, May 13, 2005


Well it's raining, just for a change. I actually ventured out at lunchtime and came back 15 minutes later like a drowned rat. And I forgot to buy teabags. James didn't show up for work today and has since called in sick. Confidentially, he didn't really want to go to John's leaving dinner tonight after he found out how much it was. It is quite expensive and he would have had to miss class.

No-one has made any comment about yesterday's mpeg. I thought it was pretty bloody awesome, but I guess I was wrong. I did get one very strange comment yesterday asking if I had seen, "nobobdy[sic] that thinks there[sic] a somebody". This note was unauthenticated, but was apparently from "shriveled up mouth darren". Is this a thinly veiled insult? I have no idea what it means so, if darren, or anyone else, would like to shed some light on it, that would be good.

Mother's eye operation has gone ahead as planend and she is back from the hospital already. She can see out of that eye already and can even read without glasses it seems. She hasn't been able to do that in a few years. I'm going to try and call them at the weekend and get an update.

I stopped off at the Nova place at Taipei Main Station yesterday and bought myself a USB 2.0 card. It was very cheap and it gives me 5 more ports so I'm going to try and bung that in this weekend. I was sort of looking for a power adapter for my iPOD, but got sidetracked. I got in trouble because I was supposed to meet the dragon in Hsin Tien and I misjudged it completely. I felt guilty because she ended up waiting for me int he rain and her phone got wet and stopped working. Had to spend hours drying it with the hair drier. It works now.

I've been meaning to mention for days that naked rambler and frequent subject of this blog, Steve Gough, has confirmed that he wants to walk the length of Britain naked again. Steve did this in 2003 and didn't actually finish until Jan 2004 due to the number of times he was arrested. He's looking for people to walk with him. I swear I'd be up for it if I was 1, in the country, and 2, didn't have to work for a living. I hope he does it anyway. I'm a fan. There aren't many things about Briatin that are really great right now, but the Great British eccentic remains healthy I'm pleased to say. Click.


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