Sunday, May 01, 2005

Forgot to post Thursday

Congratulations are due today to old UNi buddy Fletch. I got a typically to-the-point e-mail from him this morning and apparently he's pregnant. More accurately of course his wife is. Apparently the new arrival is due around October. So good luck with that.

Also in the mail bag yesterday was a note from another university buddy Dave. Dave lost his job a few months ago. He wasn't too upset about it, they gave him a big wad of dough. Since then he's been tryign to sell his first novel. I confess I haven't bought it yet, but I have read it. Here's the link. I'm going to be honest about it; it's not the best written book you will ever read, but it's a really great story. I'll be buying a copy. Dave's one of life's thinkers. There's a clue as to how this book pans out.

Lying, currupt bastard, Tony Blair has egg on his face this morning as it appears that he has lied (again) about the Attorney General's comments regarding the legality of the Iraq war. Blair has consistantly refused to release the Attorney General's legal advice but claimed that he was assured by him that the war was legal. It now appears that a leaked memo not only indicates that the Attorney General did have doubts, but it also appears that Blair kept this information even from the cabinet. The memo is dated 7 th March and outlines several legal concerns over the war. 10 days later those concerns had vanished. The question is, why? The suggestion is that Blair put pressure on the Attorney General to state that the war was legal. And the Attorney General does back him up on that. Well he would wouldn't he, they're mates.

MJ's ex-wife is on the witness stand. She is apparently limited as to what she can say though. I'm sure the defence aren't pleased about it anyway.


At 6:42 am, Blogger Richard said...

I have just started Part Two of Dave's book, so far so good.

Fletch has yet to reply to my reply to his pregnant email.


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