Tuesday, April 26, 2005


It was peeing down with rain today as I left for work. Currently the preferred method of getting to work is to motorbike to MuCha station and then get on a trian. It's really easy but I hadn't considered the rain issue until this morning. The rain coat worked pretty wellt hough and I arrived dry.

Did I mention that yesterday the bloody landlasy decided that she couldn't make it to the apartment for the handing over of keys in the end. I was really hoping she'd give us our deposit back so we could go iPOD shopping. The train journey takes 30 minutes. I need something to do on the journey. Tonight the dragon finishes work around 7.30. I am scheduled to meet her at Hsin Tien sometime around then. I need to put some late nights in at work to get the new cell phone manual done. I have one less dday than I thought because there is an unespected holiday on Monday for Labour day.

Kally didn't talk to me all yesterday morning, though in her defence, I didn't attempt to make contact either. We did speak in the afternoon. I like her but she drives me mad.

The Scottish National Party is calling for Blair's impeachment I read this morning. The Lib Dem Party is also attacking the Labout Party and is pushing very hard for Blair to release documents relating to the legal side of the Iraq war. Blair continually refuses to release the documents. I can't think why he would refuse to release them unless there was something to hide. Maybe this election is not a foregone conclusion afterall.

MJ's ex-wife is possibly going to appear at the trial. I didn't think this was very big news until I read that she is currently in the middle of a legal battle over custody of two of the children. Who's the mother of the other one?


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