Thursday, April 21, 2005

Life under the Chairman

The protracted argument between myself and Swindon Borough Council has moved forward. Ms Fordham appears unwilling to answer my questions and has forwarded my case to the Electoral Registration Officer. As of this morning I have had no response from him/her, so I have written directly with my grievances. I can't believe how difficult it is just to get a vote in this election. It's like living under Mao.

Yesterday the dragon got a call from her old school. They begged her to come back part time because they are short of teachers again. She said yes in the end and will be working mornings from next month. I think she's pleased about it. She seems to have made some deal about overtime and weekend work, I don't think she's fixed a salary yet however.

The boss hasn't turned up for work this morning and it's 10.30 as I type this. It occurs to me that, if he left, the place would probably shut down. It's not making much money as it is. I think if the helmsman left, the ship would sink. That's a very negative way to look at things however. He's only 1 hour late. I expect he's got a burst pipe or something. James has also called in sick.

At this point in my diary entry, the started to go downhill and I got just too depressed to write any more. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.


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