Friday, April 08, 2005


Well Dickie appears to be back in the US and working again after his marriage. I know this because he reads this blog. Apparently it even inspired him to start one of his own. I'll put a link to his site on the links page this weekend, along with Sumedha's. I will really. Dickie is a bit down because he had to leave his new wife behind in London. She's following him out there in the summer.

Andy and Vivian are coming round on Sunday and I have said we will make dinner. This may have been a bit rash but we shall see how it turns out. I'll need to break this to the Dragon gently tonight. Wish me luck.

Michael Jackson is in lots of trouble again. A witness has now told the court how he saw MJ with the penis of an 8-year-old in his mouth. That sounds pretty damning to me. The witness was apparently on MJ's staff at the time. However, the witness appears to have attempted to sue Jackson for wrongful dismissal in the past and lost, leaving him with huge debts. The defence is therefore portraying this man as a bitter ex-employee with money problems and an axe to grind. This would seem to be plausible. There seem to be a lot of people willing to testify that they saw Jackson doing something illegal, but they all seem to be money grabbing vultures.

The Prince of Wales and his new wife are apparently going to acknowledge their sins and wickedness in St George's chapel after the wedding. I'm really not quite sure how that works but it sounds like damage limitation to me. I understand that good media vantge points are being rented out at considerable sums tomorrow in Windsor. I was there last summer. The people don't need the cash. Because the wedding day had to be moved from today to tomorrow, 20 people dropped out. However, it appears that four more have been added to the list.

The pope gets buried today and Charles is attending to represent the Queen. The Queen is also being represented at Prince Rainier's funeral by the Duke of York. Why doen't she go to any of these events herself? Prince Rainier doen't get buried until next Friday it seems anyway. China is boycotting the pope's funeral because the Taiwanese president is attending. It's like children isn't it. Apparently over 200 world leaders are going to see the pope off. That must be just about everyone except a Chinese delegation.

Today's interesting fact:
Big Ben in London is 316 ft tall, that's over 96m, and when it was constructed in 1858, it was the tallest clock tower in the world. I'm making a model out of paper, click. If it goes well you may get a picture on Monday.


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