I left the office around 2.30 on Saturday and went straight to our new gaff in Hsin Tien. We can't move in yet, but we spent the rest of the day puting some paint on the walls and moving the last of the junk out. We've also been packing up stuff in our current apartment. I think I need more sleep. I didn't wake up until 8.30 on Sunday morning. That's almost unheard of for me. I think the move date will be the weekend of April 23rd. St George's Day!
We were going to see Robots at the cinema yesterday but the only version showing at the Gong Guan theatre was in Chinese, so we elected to wait until a convenient English version comes up. Instead we toured the shops, got Nick a birthday present, and ate octopus noodle soup. Sounds foul I know, but it's really good actually.
The Dragon has seen a dress that she wants but she told herself that it was too expensive. This prompted a conversation about the deposit on our apartment being returned next month. The land lady owes us two month's rent, assuming that she doesn't find anything to complain about. I suggested that we spend half the cash, and save the other half. I was thinking, the Dragon could get the dress, and I could get a new MP3 player. This idea was well received.
An interesting new survey in the US has concluded that a lot of young teens are engaging in oral sex and that they don't consider it to be sex at all. See people, this is Bill Clinton's legacy. It's OK if you don't inhale. Click.
I can't let this entry go by without mentioning the death of the Pope. The news is everywhere, even in this non-Christian country. Sumedha managed to arrive this morning with no knowledge of the event however. It seems that the pope's funeral may fall on the same day as the wedding of Ponce Charles and Camilla PB. That wedding is just fated isn't it? Charles says it's going ahead anyway.
So the question is, who will be the next pope. I've been studying the form and I've come to the conclusion that it should be someone who doesn't wear glasses. I've decided this because all spiritual leaders look silly in glasses and and spiritual leader costumes. See for yourself...
When I get around to it, I'm going to put a link to Sumedha's page on

The Michael Jackson legal team are apparently calling for a mistrial. It seems to me that the defence is attempting to wreck the trial. So far the defence has attempted to have evidence disallowed, tried to demostrate personal vendettas, discredit witnesses. If he's innocent, why are they doing all this? They also tried to get his bail reduced. Why would they do that unless he was considering absconding? Maybe it's just standard legal practice, but it makes him look guilty to me.
No work tomorrow, it's a natioanl holiday. Might even get time to play. I'm going to suggest to management that we make another attempt to see Robots.
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